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This is our Official Trailer Promo for 4th of July World Independence Day 2021. Please share with friends and family. We have also provided the video release in two other versions. The 2nd Version enables people to narrate their upload in another langauge and the 3rd Version enables people to both narrate and add their own music or soundtrack. If we join together we can be free, otherwise we'll not survive.

The White Rose Petition

For 19 months the People of Ireland have been imprisoned under a Communist ideology and structure. Once this structure has been taken down there must be mechanisms put in place that nothing like this ever happens again. The White Rose Petition demands that:

1) all 30 Basic Human Rights stolen by the Irish Government - are immediately restored to all the People of Ireland;

2) all Covid Restrictions are immediately returned to Level Zero - so the People can once again start living their lives as free individuals:

3) an Independent Public Trial Commission consisting of respected Judges, Lawyers & Investigators for each of the 26 Counties is chosen;

4) all Corruption, Human Rights crimes by Irish civil servants (at all levels) since 1922 - are independently investigated and public trials held;

5) Annual Salaries of ALL politicians working within the Irish government system are immediately capped at €30,000 for 2 years;

6) a Politician's Monthly Bonus is immediately based upon their performance representing the People of Ireland for 2 years;

7) a Public Referendum Vote be held on whether a new Irish Constitution is to be drafted to replace the old Constitution of 1937.

If you agree with this Petition please fill out the form below and click the Sign The Petition Button. Once sumbitted you are directed to a page that will confirm your signature. You must reside in Ireland to submit this petition.

We do not send out any marketing or spam mail. Make sure visit our BitChute Channel for daily video updates.

Please select your County from the above option *

How have the Restrictions & Lockdowns affected you or your family if applicable?

Please select from the above options

© 2021 by The White Rose Ireland. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Web:

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NB: The White Rose Ireland is not affiliated with this Facebook Page. We do NOT have a Facebook Page. Our official Social Media channel links can be found securely on our official website here only. The Global White Rose Movement (These organisations below are not affiliated with each other - just common goals for freedom).




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