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Dee Forbes (Director General & CEO of RTE)

The first person of interest with regard POLITICAL CRIMES is Dee Forbes. Since 2016, she has been the Director-General, Chief Executive and Editor-in-Chief of the public service broadcaster RTE. Its divisions include RTE Television, RTE Radio, RTE News and Current Affairs, RTE Performing Groups, RTE Digital, Corporate HQ and Central Shared Services. The first count is i.e., the 19th Human Right titled "Free to say what you want. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.” This one individual holds the key to bringing down the entire Irish Government for its crimes against the People of Ireland. That's how powerful she is.


RTE is the primary weapon for the Irish Government. Do not forget that. State Media was the primary weapon for both the Nazi (Adolf Hitler) & Communist (Joseph Stalin) Regimes in Germany & Russia respectively. If you can keep 4.9 million people in the dark, they'll do anything for you. Before we dive into the political crimes by RTE's Director General, lets first see how RTE came into being.

Who Are RTE?

RTE was established on 1st June 1960 (as Radio Eireann) under the Broadcasting Authority Act 1960, the principal legislation under which it still operates. The existing Radio Eireann service was transferred to the new authority, which was also made responsible for the new television service (Telefís Éireann). The television service started broadcasting on 31 December 1961. The licence fee at the time was just £4.

RTE in The 1960s

RTE Becomes A Corporation

Under Section 31 of the Broadcasting Authority Act 1960 the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs of the day, could direct RTE "not to broadcast any matter, or any matter of any particular class". This basically meant that the Irish Government were given supreme power, to squash any story they did not agree with. Why don’t the People of Ireland know this (Source Link)? During the late 1970s, RTE was accused of extending the censorship rules into a system of self-censorship. In 2004, RTE and the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources agreed that in future, RTE would operate under a Public Service Broadcasting Charter. Its ministerial offices consists of the following:

a) Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications: Eamon Ryan, TD;

b) Minister of State for Postal Policy and Eircodes: Hildegarde Naughton, TD; and

c) the Secretary General of the Department: Mark Griffin.


The Broadcasting Act of 2009 retained RTE as a statutory corporation, but renamed the RTE Authority as the RTE Board and made changes to the way it was appointed. It also renamed Raidió Teilifís Éireann as a corporation.


In 1973 the license fee was £15. In 1980 it was £45. In 2001 it was €107 euro. In 2003 it was €150. In 2006 it was €158. The license fee as of 2021 is now a whopping €160 euro (Source Link).

Pay Your TV License Or Else (1960s Ad)

Show Me The Money!

RTE receives income from two main sources:


  • The television licence fee. Within the State, it is necessary to pay a fee of €160 per annum to legally possess any piece of equipment capable of receiving television signals (not necessarily those of RTE). This money is collected by An Post on behalf of the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. The state pays for TV Licence Inspectors who have the power to obtain and execute search warrants of private houses. Failure to possess a valid television licence can result in a fine and a criminal record; and

  • Commercial revenue including the sale of advertising and sponsorship.

On 21st January 2021, RTE published the list of salaries paid to its top personalities in 2019 (Source Link). Why it took RTE and the Irish Media two years to report this is another story in itself. Maybe it would not have gone down well if the People of Ireland were told by wealthy presenters, to 'stay at home' and live on a PUP fee that was unable to feed their families. What do these people offer society as a whole? They offer misery, lies and Irish Government false propaganda to the masses and YOU are paying for their salaries and propaganda.


  • Ryan Tubridy: €495,000

  • Ray D'Arcy: €450,000

  • Joe Duffy: €392,494

  • Marian Finucane: €358,013 (died in 2020)

  • Dee Forbes (Director General): €338,000 (Source Link)

  • Sean O'Rourke: €327,988 (retired in 2020)

  • Miriam O'Callaghan: €320,000

  • Claire Byrne: €250,000

  • Brendan O’Connor: €220,000 (undisclosed)

  • Claire Byrne: €216,000

  • Bryan Dobson: €209,282

  • Mary Wilson: €196,961


Also remember, there is the RTE Executive Board who earn enormous salaries. It's not very often you hear about these people (Source Link). In 2019 RTE received in total €196.3 million in public funding from the licence fee and also received €134.3 million in commercial revenue. RTE total expenditure in 2019 was €337.8 million giving a loss of €7.2 million. RTE has now recorded a deficit in eight of the last 11 years (Source Link).

Mouthpieces For The Irish Government (2021)

What Do You Get For This Service?

RTE is 100% owned by the People of Ireland, but by looking and listening to the programmes and news it airs daily, you would think it was owned by its sponsors (Source Link). Since its inception in 1960 RTE have failed to report human rights crimes, child abuse, nursing home and childcare abuse, medical maleficence and corruption on a grand scale. If they do happen to do a segment on crimes, they never follow up on their story to push for investigation. This is a classic way for the media networks all over the world to say "We covered the story". There is a big difference between covering a story and pushing for complete investigation into a story or crime they have reported. They are supposed to represent the People of Ireland.


Predominantly RTE canned stories, documentaries and investigations throughout its history that could have brought to light horrific crimes against the People of Ireland. For 61 years they did nothing, censored everything and operated as a cabal of highly corrupt individuals. When have you ever heard of any whistleblower coming out of RTE? Here’s one RTE whistleblower but not of any real importance because it concerns matters NOT related to Ireland (Source Link).


Why Pay The License Fee?

One should ask just three questions on why they pay a license fee:

  1. Why pay a fee if you are not using the service from the State Broadcaster?;

  2. Why pay a fee if RTE are a Corporation? and

  3. Why pay a fee if RTE are not representing the People of Ireland through Censorship?  


Surely if RTE are not representing the People of Ireland and are making a loss in eight of the last 11 years in business, then the License Fee should be completely removed from their financial operation and RTE should be able to survive on their own, just like any other corporation? The License Fee needs to be squashed. RTE is NOT the responsibility of the People of Ireland. They don't represent the People of Ireland and never have. Its sole responsibility lies with its shareholders i.e., its top presenters on outrageous salaries, the Board of RTE and all its little parasites who bleed the corporation dry. By depending on the annual License fee, the RTE shareholders can run wild with its finances.

Fantasy: RTE Take A Mild Covid Test

Reality: Child Takes REAL Covid Test

(Child Abuse On A Whole New Level)

Reality: The Swab is NOT Made of Cotton

Why Do You Think It's So Expensive? (Source Link)

(People Can Share The Cost of Buying A Sample)

Dee Forbes

Dee Forbes (Director General & CEO of RTE)

This individual needs to answer questions from professionals relating to the first count i.e., the 19th Human Right titled "Free to say what you want. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.” As head of the State Broadcaster of which the People of Ireland have a 100% shareholding in, she is solely responsible for the mass censorship of the voices from the People in Ireland since April 2016. Since March 2020 she has been solely running the censorship system with regard the qualified voices, that have been going up against the numerous human rights crimes being committed by the Irish Government. She has kept them all silent and in many cases destroyed their careers through false Irish Government propaganda. She is essentially a 'mob boss' for the Irish Government Crime Family. Free Speech has been destroyed in Ireland solely by this individual and she needs to be issued a subpoena immediately to appear before the People of Ireland on committing the 19th Human Rights crime. 

RTE Red Army CEO.png

Dee Forbes: Director General & CEO of RTE

(Just because they wear an expensive suit, doesn't mean you are not dealing with a monster)


Joseph Goebbels: Nazi Politician & Reich Minister of Propaganda for Nazi Germany (Source Link)

(Just because they wear an expensive suit, doesn't mean you are not dealing with a monster)

Freedom Of Information Request

As the People of Ireland have a 100% ownership of the corporation called RTE, then as a 100% shareholder, the People of Ireland need to demand a Freedom of Information request for all her accounts both here and abroad, so as to examine EVERY financial transaction Dee Forbes has made since April 2016. Why have the media ALWAYS been so afraid since its inception, to report on this rat infested corporation? To understand a crime boss such as Dee Forbes, the people need to find out who is paying her to keep the voices of Ireland silent. She has censored all debate, all investigations and all reporting on the human rights crimes by the Irish Government since March 2020. She is NOT doing this for free. Just because she wears an expensive suit or expensive dress, doesn’t mean you are not dealing with a monster. There is no difference between Dee Forbes (and all the other CEO’s of RTE since 1960) and Joseph Goebbels, who was the German Nazi politician and Propaganda Minister for The Third Reich between 1897-1945. She is a human rat who overlooks the sewer and flow of false information garbage, that comes out of RTE on a daily basis and keeps 4.9 million people in the dark.


As is the case with all human rats, when cornered they will sing like canaries to save their own skin, just as Dee Forbes will do. If RTE have the power to obtain and execute search warrants of private houses for their Corporation financing (TV License), then surely the People of Ireland can obtain and execute search warrants for her accounts and transactions since April 2016? As RTE constantly tell us, “if you have nothing to hide why go up against censorship”. If she has nothing to hide, then surely she would like to prove her innocence? Censorship has always been pushed by a dictatorship government on its people. With Censorship you do not have a country of free people, you have a country of slaves.

How Media Fed The False Pandemic of 2009

Not One Debate, Just Government Propaganda (September 2020)

The Power Of A Corporation

(There Are Real Monsters Outside Our Home)

From The Corporation Movie (Source Link)


The Image Slider below will display a list of individuals within the Political Industry, who should be questioned about Human Rights Crimes & Corruption against the People of Ireland. Click on the images to see more information on the individual as well as the various counts that they may or may not have committed.

“The press media must grow day in and day out - it is our Party's sharpest and most powerful weapon.”

“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

"When there's a person, there's a problem. When there's no person, there's no problem."

― Joseph Stalin

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