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The Pride Of A Nation

The Irish Government have worked very hard the last few decades at dividing the nation. Without even realizing it, they tell us our neighbour is our enemy, when in reality the Irish Government are the enemy and ALWAYS have been. We are a nation that is made up of all creatures great and small and each one of us have 30 Basic Human Rights that are given to us by God when we are born. The Irish Government believe they are above God in taking away those rights and refuse to give them back. What are the People of Ireland going to do about that?

Italia 90

During the World Cup in 1990 the People of Ireland joined together with tremendous pride for their country and went on a once in a lifetime rollercoaster ride of joy, happiness, anger and sadness all rolled into one. Those who remember this event will never forget how we in our millions celebrated across the country as one people. That was the last time the People of Ireland joined together with pride in our nation.

Inside just 48 years our rogue government have given us a National Debt of €220.5 billion euro. We are a ticking time bomb for bankruptcy and if we cannot come together as one like we did in 1990, our country will be gone forever. It will be sold by our ruthless politicians in the backroom to the highest bidder and this new entity will destroy us with even worse restrictions than we could ever imagine.

Let's see if we can come together as a nation on 4th July 2021 to celebrate our independence from the Irish Government. Here's a reminder of Italia 90.....

The Irish Come Together in Ireland

The Irish Come Together in Clonakilty, Ireland

The Irish Come Together in Walkinstown, Ireland


Italia 90 Team Homecoming Event

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